We entered in the world of the infrared experimenting with some IR filters. Then we decided to modify a reflex removing the IR filter placed before of the sensor. We experimented with this reflex and we still continue experimenting. Experimenting is a "must" in order to capture and display the infrared light to the human eye, because we can't see immediately what our pictures will look like.
We can just use our imagination and our experience to get what we expect or the best of what we didn't expect.
Photographer and landscape Photographer and landscape
Landscape in Alicante [Spain] Landscape in Alicante [Spain]
Landscape in Alicante [Spain]. Landscape in Alicante [Spain].
Landscape in Alicante [Spain]. Landscape in Alicante [Spain].
Crane on the seaside Crane on the seaside
Alicante seaside Alicante seaside
Peoples crossing a street Peoples crossing a street
Scenery of Milan [Italy] countryside Scenery of Milan [Italy] countryside
An Horse in Milan [Italy] An Horse in Milan [Italy]
Landscape in Alicante [Spain] Landscape in Alicante [Spain]
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